
Just another manic Monday

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What I know…

I know that these last few months have been some of the most trying, full and enjoyable experiences of my life. Maybe it has something to do with how I’m viewing myself through this process. 

In November I thought the world would be better without me, or at least my pain and agony would cease to exist. What I know from that is, it would end for me but continue on through the people I would leave behind. During those dark moments you can’t see that. All you see is that you are alone, you are less than and that you are in pain and you would do ANYTHING to stop that pain. 

In December, I made the conscious decision to tell someone what was going on in my head. And what I mean is that I not only told my counselor, I talked with my doctor, I talked with my husband, I talked with my kiddos Godmom. I told friends and I put it on my blog. I asked for help and THAT was the single most hardest decision I have ever made. Things like that thrive in secrecy. I’m so glad I choose to reach out. I can’t say I loved the process. Because let’s be honest, I am an independent soul and I felt like I was being told to tell people my every move. I had weekly, sometimes daily check-ins. I had to give up things that made me feel safe but could also harm me. What I can say is there is power in support, positive thinking, and prayer. Thank you! 

In February I welcomed a baby niece and a few short weeks later I was given another niece. I love them as much as if they were my own.

One half of JZ
The other half of JZ

 JZ are absolutely perfect in every way. My heart was full. But… it also bought up that little thing that likes to pop up every now and then. Wanting another baby of my own. I know, I know. I joke a lot about not wanting to be pregnant again or going through labor again or even sleepless nights. But joking is also my coping mechanism. The urge to want to have a baby didn’t come around until after we had to give up the twins and their brother. In my heart I know what we did was best for us. Three was a LOT of work, at times I was overwhelmed. But it opened up in me the reminder that I couldn’t have another one of my own. The thought of going through what I did with Marie’s birth seriously gives me heart palpitations and anxiety. We almost lost her, I’m not sure I wouldn’t have that fear and stress in the back of my mind the whole pregnancy. And so because that was so traumatic, shortly after she was born I asked Ike to get a vasectomy. And he did. At the time it was the best decision and to be honest, I feel like it is still the best decision. But it doesn’t change the fact that my body aches to have a baby to carry and love and nurse. I’m slowly figuring out how to navigate those mindfields. For now I do it by getting some much needed snuggles from my beautiful baby nieces. I might or might not spoil them, but I can’t confirm that. I do want to add, we’ve had (Ike and I) that conversation. And we both agree that unless it’s meant to be (as in I get pregnant), we will not be taking in any infants or toddlers through foster care. Even though on occasion I ask him if he is absolutely positively for sure… What I know is that I can hold the sorrow of not having my own AND the joy of being an auntie twice over all together and still be happy. That is truly amazing to me. I’m learning and growing daily!

March came and went so fast, I’m still trying to figure out where it went. But what I do know is that I Love my husband more today than I did yesterday, or even ten years ago. And I say that because we just celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary. 

Happy 10th Anniversary

It was truly magical and everything we wanted. To be surrounded by friends and family. To have the same feel as our wedding and to be enjoyed by all. I’ll share pictures and more about that later. I also know that if I hadn’t learned even a little about making MYSELF happy, no one else would be able to. And so to be at this point is huge for me. We were close to being divorced on a couple of different occasions. The thing that helped us was taking each moment, hour, day, week, month at a time. 

April has been a time of slowin down, enjoying the quiet moments and spending time with family and friends. We celebrated the 5th birthday of our extra baby. 

Celebrating with classmates

Watching her be loved on and celebrated was absolutely adorable and so amazing. To see the pure look of joy and excitement in receiving was something I will cherish forever. To have something that is hers, and hers alone made her so incredibly happy. Im happy we got to see and experience that. What a gift! 

April has also been a full month, the group I was in has been cancelled because by the end I was the only one showing up. So I have to find and get comfortable in another group. I have a story about that too. Lol! We will be leaving next month on a six week roadtrip, yes I said six whole weeks! I am beyond excited. This trip will be epic. 

This is us filling out passport paperwork

It will include Canada, and the East Coast. With lots of time with friends and family along the way. Which leads me to add that our oldest daughter will be joining us in week two and stay with us through the end. I am excited for Ike and the kiddos. They get to spend some much wanted and needed time with an older sibling they didn’t get to grow up with. And I am lucky enough I get to watch all of it happen! 

For now that’s all I have, maybe I’ll finish those other stories and schedule them to post over the next few days. 

Namaste my Friends!


Happy Holidays!

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I know, I know I’m late with the Holiday cards. It is what it is. I got the picture done, now all I have to do is get the picture printed and taped to a card and mail it off. I also have to make and send off our vow renewal invites too. I’m glad I’m not expecting a ton of people to come, LOL! Otherwise I would feel overwhelmed with the things I need to get done. 

I’ve been wanting to write for so long, I’ve started so many stories and then kept them to myself. Maybe later on I will share. Right now I’m just surviving, mostly. I’m battling tiredness, like it seems extreme tiredness. I’m trying to see if its the medication or if its just life. I believe it’s a combination of the two. Always being tired makes for long days, trying to force myself to get some energy and do something. I feel like if I can get past the tiredness and go out and do something I will catch my break, but as of now… I can barely remove myself from my couch. And when I do, I return even more tired. 

So I’ve been trying to adjust my diet to possibly help with that. More salads and fruits, more water, and orange juice to combat the stupid allergies I still have. 

We’ve had so many fun things happening over the last month or so. Let’s see, we took in a foster placement. Her nickname is mKK. Some days I’m happy all we have is one kiddo and other days I feel like we have three foster kiddos. She is a lot of work. And I mean she is a lot of work emotionally, I’m still trying to figure out how to navigate that. It is such a peculiar place to find myself in. Maybe one day I will explain more of what I mean. Right now I will stick to the surface of it. I believe she really does like it here, she is the baby in the house so she pretty much gets all of the attention. But it also doesn’t mean we’re going to let you get away with murder or not help clean up the toys you pulled out. 

Let’s see, Mouse was accepted into a summer ballet intensive again. She is very excited and looking forward to it. I am just trying to remember to send off the scholarship application to help pay for it. $1000 for two weeks is intense for one kiddo, so any help she can get is always nice. LOL! She also recently got her first pair of pointe shoes. She was so incredibly excited, and I was just excited for her. She will be amazing and absolutely beautiful. She entered a picture into a photo contest through her school and she won and was able to move forward to the state competition level. At school her classmates and teachers nominated her for an award on Service. And today she will be honored at a Black History Banquet for her achievements lately. She is an amazing little human being. I am constantly in awe of what she wants and how she goes for it. 

On February 8th, we welcomed a niece into our family. My little sister had a baby girl. GUYS, she is absolutely amazing and adorable and I love her so. I am obsessed with her and snapping her picture. I’m happy I have a new subject to take pictures of. LOL!

On March 31st, Ike and I will be celebrating 10 years of us… married that is. It seems so weird to be here. I’m glad we are, he is annoying and so am I. But I do so love that guy. To celebrate this amazing milestone we are doing a vow renewal. Nothing big. We have a friend who is going to do the ceremony and another friend who will take the pictures. It will be at the local park here in G-Town and we will offer desserts at our house after. We wanted it to stay close to our theme from our wedding. Small, personal and with those who have been a big part of our family. We still have some red as our colors, just a deeper more rich red. Kind of like our marriage. A lot deeper and more rich. I’m looking forward to it. I just need to practice making th cake and cupcakes before we get to the actual date. Yeah, I didn’t mention that part did I. 

We cooked for our wedding so why not bake for our renewal?! I’ll do a cake, some cupcakes and possibly a cheesecake and offer chocolates (again) as a Thank you for coming we Love y’all!

The coolest thing is we’ve committed to do a five week summer road trip. I am soooooooo excited about this road trip. We have the basic locations planned out, and the dates we want to be in those locations. Now we’re letting people know in those locations to make sure they will be there and we can see them. Next will be a kind of narrowing down of things we might want to do while we are in those locations. I love planning road trips. This will be the longest we will be gone on a road trip so I’m nervous how we will feel after day 14, but I’m also just excited for the opportunity. 

Anyways, the sun is peeking through my window and I hear two little girls awake. So I’m going to go and get them dressed and ready for the day. My morning mantra has been, “Let’s Get It!” 

So here’s to an amazing Saturday… Let’s Get It!!!


The Results…


So our little gymnast went to state last weekend back in November 2014! We had tons of fun the night before. Drove up to Denton to stay overnight in a hotel with a swimming pool. Got to eat dinner at a restaurant. And then got up super early to get to the Texas Women’s College for an 8am stretch time.

We get out of the car a the College and little Marie decides she wants to limp… Insert my crazy facial expression and my comment of, “Ummmm, sweetie… Get it together we are at state. Your knee can’t be hurting that bad.” Yeah, I had a low mommy moment. But COME ON DUDE! Farreal?! Everything we, YES we, have worked for and you choose today to have a knee injury. Lol! Judge me if you want, she isn’t the only one who has worked for this state meet! I spent just as many hours at that gym as she did, HA! Granted I just didn’t work out as much as she did… Let me stop lying, my ass didn’t work out at all. I just sat and watched her workout and talk about why I should be working out. LOL!


Her bars score was 8.650, balance beam was 6.90, vault was 9.075 and her floor routine was 7.6IMG_8990.JPG


All in all it was a great experience. We had fun, she had fun (though she was a little disappointed with herself) it was well worth the trip and family time!IMG_8985

Her knee injury/pain really did hinder her during the competition. She fell getting on and off of the beam. She didn’t push enough on her back handspring so she fell on the second one and for some reason she fell on her mill circle. I think the one that frustrated her the most was the beam. Vault she did great as usual 🙂

Overall, we survived the season and are somewhat looking forward to the next season. We DID cut back on hours spent at the gym by half, so instead of 12 hours she is only there 6 hours. Gives her a chance to be a child still. And less time I am at the gym. We also switched gyms, mainly because of the hours but there were a few other issues. None of which are that important.


Peace Out!


Our Little Gymnast- Marie

Not everyone is aware, I mean if you’ve lived under a rock you wouldn’t be aware (I’m just kidding). We have a little gymnast in our home, she happens to be the same little girl with severe food allergies, who is deaf and wears hearing aids, and our little girl who decided at 34 weeks it was time for her grand entrance into our lives. To be honest, I truly believe she is the strongest of our 6 children. She has dealt with so much in her short 7 years and amazes us on an everyday basis. She has surpassed every goal that was set for her in her schools ARD (IEP) goals and is still doing that to this day, we are amazed at the things she can do at this stage in her life. I do get apprehensive with the thought she might not need an ARD, but I will deal with those feelings as they come along. I can’t worry about the future, I need to be in the present. And in the present this little girl has made it to the state competition with her Level 3P team.

We are so proud of all of the girls who are going to state, we couldn’t be happier for them and the things have have done and are doing. They have an amazing group of 7-9 year old girls. I figured I would post some photos and videos of our gymnast so y’all can see her in action as we have.

DSC_3196 DSC_3197 DSC_3204 DSC_3211 DSC_3214 DSC_3216 DSC_3221 DSC_3417 DSC_3424 DSC_3435 IMG_7823

I will post more photos and some videos later, I realized as I was looking for photos to post that I have removed majority of them off of my computer and uploaded them to google+ and my backup external hard drive. I’ve been trying to empty my computer of the hundreds of thousands of pictures I have stored on it because it is running out of space to do the normal tasks, LOL!

Anyways, Peace, Love and Hairgrease 🙂

It’s been a long time.

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It is the last day of August, where did summer vacation go? In June, it seemed like we were enjoying our time as a family of 5 and patiently waiting for our first placement. In July, we spent our time getting to know our first placement and getting on a new routine/schedule. Having two small ones in the house sure does change things. August has been filled with trying to catch-up from July, get into the mindframe that school starts again and that we are back to the hustle and bustle of the rat race called keeping busy…

Anyways, I’m not one for much conversation so I will just post pictures to kind of catch you up 🙂

These are DSLR camera pics vs my iPhone pics that I’ve been posting like crazy 🙂

These are DSLR camera pics vs my iPhone pics that I’ve been posting like crazy 🙂



Miss Marie learning how to take selfie’s

last day of school cuteness




The above pictures are from Concerts on the Square

Mya learning how to use a camera

Face/arm painting with friends!


The above pictures are from our trip to the Dell Diamond

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Fourth of July Pictures, party at our place 🙂

There are tons more pictures, but since a ton of them have the newest members of our household in them I can’t post them online. I will post more pictures of other things we have done, though it has been a “short” summer it has been amazing and fun.

Love y’all, Iiona