
Just another manic Monday

Natural and Free

Every now and again I will get in a mood where I feel the urge to “just say it like it is”

When I have reached those times in my life it is typically because someone has truely rubbed me the wrong way (and not in a Keith Sweat kind of way either…).

I really did want to keep my blog a happy place, but lets be serious. Life is not always sugar and spice and everything nice. I know this and so do you. What I will try my best to do is not have a post where I am just being a “hater”. I can rant about the things you do that piss me off but I will try my hardest not to just talk trash about that person or person’s… The key word being “TRY”

So for now off to my happy place and I will talk to you (I’m almost positive) in the near future…

Peace, Love and Hairgrease 🙂

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