
Just another manic Monday

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This is interesting…

These are just a few of the things we have been doing the last month, with so much more. I will slowly post more pictures when I get a chance. I have so MANY, I think I need to learn how to not take 500 pictures for an hour of fun… haha, that actually sounds funny.

This is interesting because this will be my last post as a WI resident, unless I decide to post something as we are driving out of town from my phone. But that is a pain, haha!

This day has been slowly creeping upon us, it’s exciting because we are looking forward to the new journey and path we are taking. But it’s also sad because we are leaving friends and family whom we love and will miss so much. I know, I know it’s not like we are dying… and we will be able to see them again, but it’s just because we won’t be able to pop up and see them whenever we want to. Not being able to call my sister and spend the day with her and my niece just because we want to is going to KILL ME!!!

These last few weeks have been a process for me, an interesting one at that. Seeing people for the last time, saying we will see you in Texas when you come and visit us, giving people reasons why coming to visit us in Texas will be the best thing for them (haha!) and that you know we will keep in touch, and trying to talk a friend over the edge… not literally, but getting a facebook page can be like that sometimes!

When moving from a place you have called home your whole life, you suddenly remember all of the things you should have done but never did because you took for granted that you would be in that state long enough to enjoy it. That’s where our bucket list came into play, our list of things to do before we leave WI or the midwest area. We were able to cross off some, but reality is 2 parents in school full-time, 3 kiddos that have crazy busy schedules, and night time work hours don’t always leave room for just doing “nothing”. I’m not sad we didn’t get to clear the list, that just means the next time we come back we will have something fun to look forward to… on top of seeing family and friends 🙂

As I sit here letting my other half do some work, yeah I said it, I’m thinking over all of the things we have gotten to do, all of the new friendships we have made and all of the little things we have done to make lasting memories in our kiddos lives and I feel so blessed and happy that we are lucky enough to be able to do those things. We might not have a lot of “real” family that we spend our time with, but the family that we have made for ourselves…. that matters. So I will end this post soon, because the longer I sit here and type the sappier this post gets. And I’m sure not everyone wants to sit around and read the sappy girls post about moving from WI to TX…

I will leave with this Irish blessing (I can do that I’m part Irish, plus I just really like this):

May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.

May God be with you and bless you:
May you see your children’s children.
May you be poor in misfortune,
Rich in blessings.
May you know nothing but happiness
From this day forward.

Until our paths cross again, LOVE YA!!!